Connectors that you can use
Read and write data through standard input and output.
key | alias | Description | Default Value | Possible Values |
type | - | Required in order to use this connector | io | io |
metadata | meta | Override metadata information | none | Metadata |
"type": "reader",
"type": "io"
In Memory
Read and write data through memory. You can use this connector if you want inject constant in your flow.
key | alias | Description | Default Value | Possible Values |
type | - | Required in order to use this connector | in_memory | in_memory / mem |
metadata | meta | Override metadata information | none | Metadata |
memory | value / doc / data | Memory value | none | String |
"type": "reader",
"type": "in_memory",
"memory": "{\"username\": \"{{ MY_USERNAME }}\",\"password\": \"{{ MY_PASSWORD }}\"}"
Read and write data in local file. It is possible to read multifiles with wildcard. If you want to write dynamicaly in different files, use the mustache variable that will be replace with the data in input.
key | alias | Description | Default Value | Possible Values |
type | - | Required in order to use this connector | local | local |
metadata | meta | Override metadata information | none | Metadata |
path | - | Path of a file or list of files. Allow wildcard charater * and mustache variables | none | String |
parameters | - | Variable that can be use in the path. Parameters of the connector is merge with the current data | none | List of key and value |
"type": "reader",
"type": "local",
"path": "./{{ folder }}/*.json",
"metadata": {
"content-type": "application/json; charset=utf-8"
"parameters": {
"folder": "my_folder"
Read and write data through http(s) connector.
key | alias | Description | Default Value | Possible Values |
type | - | Required in order to use this connector | curl | curl |
metadata | meta | Override metadata information | none | Metadata |
authenticator | auth | Define the authentification that secure the http(s) call | none | Authenticator |
endpoint | - | The http endpoint of the url | none | String |
path | uri | The path of the resource | none | String |
method | - | The http method to use | get | HTTP methods |
headers | - | The http headers to override | none | List of key/value |
parameters | - | Parameters used in the path that can be override | none | Object or Array of objects |
limit | - | Limit value used by the pagination | 100 | unsigned number |
skip | - | Skip value used by the pagination | 0 | unsigned number |
paginator | - | Paginator parameters | none | Paginator |
"type": "read",
"type": "curl",
"endpoint": "{{ CURL_ENDPOINT }}",
"path": "/post?skip={{ SKIP }}&limit={{ LIMIT }}&cache={{ cache }}",
"method": "post",
"authenticator": {
"type": "basic",
"username": "{{ BASIC_USERNAME }}",
"password": "{{ BASIC_PASSWORD }}",
"headers": {
"Accept": "application/json"
"parameters": [
{ "cache": false }
"limit": 1000,
"skip": 0,
"paginator": {
"limit": "LIMIT",
"skip": "SKIP"
Use to override the default configuration
key | alias | Description | Default Value | Possible Values |
limit_name | limit | Name of the field limit used in query parameter | limit | String |
skip_name | skip | Name of the field skip used un query parameter | skip | String |
"type": "write",
"type": "curl",
"endpoint": "{{ CURL_ENDPOINT }}",
"path": "/resource",
"method": "get",
"paginator": {
"limit": "my_limit_field",
"skip": "my_skip_field"
key | alias | Description | Default Value | Possible Values |
type | - | Required in order to use this authentication | basic | basic |
username | user / usr | Username to use for the authentification | none | String |
password | pass / pwd | Password to use for the authentification | none | String |
"type": "read",
"type": "curl",
"endpoint": "{{ CURL_ENDPOINT }}",
"path": "/get",
"method": "get",
"authenticator": {
"type": "basic",
"username": "{{ BASIC_USERNAME }}",
"password": "{{ BASIC_PASSWORD }}",
key | alias | Description | Default Value | Possible Values |
type | - | Required in order to use this authentication | bearer | bearer |
token | - | The bearer tocken | none | String |
is_base64 | - | Specify if the bearer token is encoded in base64 | false | false / true |
parameters | - | Use to replace the token with dynamic value in input from the connector | none | List of Key/Value string |
"type": "write",
"type": "curl",
"endpoint": "{{ CURL_ENDPOINT }}",
"path": "/post",
"method": "post",
"authenticator": {
"type": "bearer",
"token": "{{ token }}",
"is_base64": false,
"parameters": {
"token": "my_token"
(JWT) Java Web Token
key | alias | Description | Default Value | Possible Values |
type | - | Required in order to use this authentication | jwt | jwt |
algorithm | algo | The algorithm used to build the signing | HS256 | String |
refresh_connector | - | The connector used to refresh the token | none | See Connectors |
refresh_token | - | The token name used to identify the token into the refresh connector | token | String |
jwk | - | The Json web key used to sign | none | Object |
format | - | Define the type of the key used for the signing | secret | secret / base64secret / rsa_pem / rsa_components / ec_pem / rsa_der / ec_der |
key | - | Key used for the signing | none | String |
payload | - | The jwt payload | none | Object or Array of objects |
parameters | - | The parameters used to remplace variables in the payload | none | Object or Array of objects |
token | - | The token that can be override if necessary | none | String |
"type": "write",
"type": "curl",
"endpoint": "{{ CURL_ENDPOINT }}",
"path": "/post",
"method": "post",
"authenticator": {
"type": "jwt",
"refresh_connector": {
"type": "curl",
"endpoint": "",
"path": "/tokens",
"method": "post"
"key": "my_key",
"payload": {
"claims":{"GivenName":"Johnny","username":"{{ username }}","password":"{{ password }}","iat":1599462755,"exp":33156416077}
"parameters": {
"username": "my_username",
"password": "my_username"
Read and write data into mongodb database.
key | alias | Description | Default Value | Possible Values |
type | - | Required in order to use this connector | mongodb | mongodb / mongo |
endpoint | - | Endpoint of the connector | none | String |
database | db | The database name | none | String |
collection | col | The collection name | none | String |
query | - | Query to find an element into the collection | none | Object |
find_options | projection | Specifies the fields to return in the documents that match the query filter. To return all fields in the matching documents, omit this parameter. For details, see Projection | none | Object |
update_options | - | Options apply during the update) | none | Object |
"type": "w",
"type": "mongodb",
"endpoint": "mongodb://admin:admin@localhost:27017",
"db": "tests",
"collection": "test",
"update_options": {
"upsert": true
Read and write data into S3/Minio bucket.
key | alias | Description | Default Value | Possible Values |
type | - | Required in order to use this connector | bucket | bucket |
metadata | meta | Override metadata information | none | Metadata |
endpoint | - | Endpoint of the connector | none | String |
access_key_id | - | The access key used for the authentification | none | String |
secret_access_key | - | The secret access key used for the authentification | none | String |
region | - | The bucket's region | us-east-1 | String |
bucket | - | The bucket name | none | String |
path | key | The path of the resource. Can use * in order to read multiple files | none | String |
parameters | params | The parameters used to remplace variables in the path | none | Object or Array of objects |
limit | - | Limit the number of files to read. | none | Unsigned number |
skip | - | Skip N files before to start to read the next files | none | Unsigned number |
version | - | Read a specific version of a file | none | String |
tags | - | List of tags to apply on the file. Used to give more context to a file | (service:writer:name,chewdata) | List of Key/Value |
cache_control | - | Override the file cache controle | none | String |
expires | - | Override the file expire date | none | String |
"type": "r",
"connector": {
"type": "bucket",
"bucket": "my-bucket",
"path": "data/*.json*",
"endpoint":"{{ BUCKET_ENDPOINT }}",
"access_key_id": "{{ BUCKET_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}",
"secret_access_key": "{{ BUCKET_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }}",
"region": "{{ BUCKET_REGION }}",
"limit": 10,
"skip": 0,
"tags": {
"service:writer": "my_service",
"service:writer:owner": "my_team_name",
"service:writer:env": "dev",
"service:writer:context": "example"
Bucket Select
Filter data file with S3 select queries and read data into AWS/Minio bucket. Use Bucket connector in order to write into the bucket.
key | alias | Description | Default Value | Possible Values |
type | - | Required in order to use this connector | bucket | bucket |
metadata | meta | Override metadata information | none | Metadata |
endpoint | - | Endpoint of the connector | none | String |
access_key_id | - | The access key used for the authentification | none | String |
secret_access_key | - | The secret access key used for the authentification | none | String |
region | - | The bucket's region | us-east-1 | String |
bucket | - | The bucket name | none | String |
path | key | The path of the resource. Can use * in order to read multiple files with the same content type | none | String |
parameters | params | The parameters used to remplace variables in the path | none | Object or Array of objects |
query | - | S3 select query | select * from s3object | See AWS S3 select |
limit | - | Limit the number of files to read with the wildcard mode in the path | none | Unsigned number |
skip | - | Skip N files before to start to read the next files with the wildcard mode in the path | none | Unsigned number |
"type": "r",
"connector": {
"type": "bucket_select",
"bucket": "my-bucket",
"path": "data/my_file.jsonl",
"endpoint": "{{ BUCKET_ENDPOINT }}",
"access_key_id": "{{ BUCKET_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}",
"secret_access_key": "{{ BUCKET_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }}",
"region": "{{ BUCKET_REGION }}",
"query": "select * from s3object[*].results[*] r where r.number = 20"
"document" : {
"type": "jsonl"
By default, the metadata is manage with the document Metadata but you can override it if necessary.