Quick Start

One page summary of how to start a new Chewdata project.

1 - Installation


Before using the theme, you need to install the rustup.

After that, you can install Chewdata in two ways

From the source code

Go the the Chewdata project in github and follow the installation steps.

From cargo package

Default installation

This command will install the project with all features.

cargo install chewdata

With minimal features

If you need just read/write json file, transform and store them into the local environment.

cargo install chewdata --no-default-features

With custom features

If you want to specify some features to add to your installation

cargo install chewdata --no-default-features --features "use_xml_document use_bucket_connector"

Please, referer to the features documentation.

2 - Run

First of all, you can check how the command works with the option --help

$ chewdata --help
    chewdata [OPTIONS] [JSON]

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    -f, --file <FILE>    Init steps with file configuration in input

    <JSON>    Init steps with a json configuration in input

Without configuration

It is possible to run the command without configuration

$ echo '{"field1":"value1"}' | chewdata

Without configuration in input, the command will use these steps :

  • Reader: with io connector + json document
  • Writer: with io connector + json document

The program will deserialize the data in input and serialize the data into the output.

With configuration in input

With configuration, you can customize the behaviour of your command. The same command as before will be

$ echo '{"field1":"value1"}' | chewdata '[{"type":"reader","document":{"type":"json"},"connector":{"type":"io"}},{"type":"writer","document":{"type":"json"},"connector":{"type":"io"}}]'

With this configuration in input, the command will use these steps :

  • Reader: with io connector + json document
  • Writer: with io connector + json document

If you want the same output into an object, use the document type jsonl

$ echo '{"field1":"value1"}' | chewdata '[{"type":"reader","document":{"type":"json"},"connector":{"type":"io"}},{"type":"writer","document":{"type":"jsonl"},"connector":{"type":"io"}}]'

With this configuration in input, the command will use these steps :

  • Reader: with io connector + json document
  • Writer: with io connector + jsonl document

Chain commands

It's possible to chaine CLI calls in order to do transactional actions

Execute the second call if the first is finished

A=$(echo '{"variable": "a"}' | chewdata '[{"type":"r"},{"type":"transformer","actions":[{"field":"/","pattern":"{{ input | json_encode() }}"},{"field":"value","pattern":"10"}]},{"type":"w", "doc":{"type":"jsonl"}}]') &&\
B=$(echo '{"variable": "b"}' | chewdata '[{"type":"r"},{"type":"transformer","actions":[{"field":"/","pattern":"{{ input | json_encode() }}"},{"field":"value","pattern":"20"}]},{"type":"w", "doc":{"type":"jsonl"}}]') &&\
echo $A | VAR_B=$B chewdata '[{"type":"r"},{"type":"transformer","actions":[{"field":"var_b","pattern":"{{ get_env(name=\"VAR_B\") }}"},{"field":"result","pattern":"{{ output.var_b.value * input.value }}"},{"field":"var_b","type":"remove"}]},{"type":"w"}]'

The step reader read the variable A and the transformer put the result into the input object. The first action fetch the variable B into the environment variable and put the result into the output object. A string json is automaticaly transform in an object at the end of an action. The next action multiply the value of the var_b and the input and store the result into the field result of the output object. When all the actions are executed, the output is passed to the writer and write into the connector.

Write data through multi connectors

It is possible to write data into different connectors

echo '[{"field":"value1"},{"field":"value2"}]' | chewdata '[{"type":"r"},{"type":"t","actions":[{"field":"field","pattern":"{% if input.field == \"value2\" %}{{ throw(message=\"I throw an error!\") }}{% else %}{{ input | json_encode() }}{% endif %}"}]},{"type":"w","data_type":"ok"},{"type":"w","data_type":"err"}]'
[{"field":{"field":"value1"}}][{"field":"value2","_error":"Failed to render the field 'field'. I throw an error!"}]

Here we can write data without issue into a connector and failed data into another connector with the message of the error.

With configuration into a file

For better readable and versionable configuration, store your configuration into :

  • Json file
$ echo '[{"type":"reader","document":{"type":"json"},"connector":{"type":"io"}},{"type":"writer","document":{"type":"jsonl"},"connector":{"type":"io"}}]' > my_new_config.json
$ echo '{"field1":"value1"}' | chewdata --file my_new_config.json
  • Yaml file
$ echo -e '---\n'\
'type: reader\n'\
'   type: json\n'\
'   type: io\n'\
'type: writer\n'\
'   type: jsonl\n'\
'   type: io' > my_new_config.yaml
$ echo '{"field1":"value1"}' | chewdata --file my_new_config.yaml

If you want to understand how works the configuration file, please go to the configuration documentation.

With docker image

It is possible to run the command directly with docker

$ echo '[{"type":"reader","document":{"type":"json"},"connector":{"type":"io"}},{"type":"writer","document":{"type":"jsonl"},"connector":{"type":"io"}}]' > my_new_config.json
$ echo '{"field1":"value1"}' | docker run --rm -i -v $(pwd)/my_new_config.json:/tmp/my_new_config.json -e RUST_LOG=trace chewdata --file /tmp/my_new_config.json